Derek Gunby
September 1, 2010
Lying Presidents, activist Judges, power-drunk Congressmen, and special interests who happen to be in a position to appoint judges or enact whatever legislation their arrogance might lead them to ram down other Americans' throats cannot be trusted with the power to "amend" the Constitution by their self-serving "interpretations". They dishonestly use the ''living, breathing, document'' line to justify undermining its core principles. In other words, using the Constitution to destroy it while feigning loyalty when it's politically convenient. ''I taught the Constitution for 10 years''. We all know you're well-versed in Constitutional law, Barry, but you have aptly demonstrated it's a case of ''know thy enemy''.
Rule of the majority party can be as evil as any dictator. That is why we are not a ''Democracy''--a notion that has been erroneously force-fed to us since anyone can remember--but a Representative Constitutional Republic. This fact has been obscured by a progressive education system designed to indoctrinate rather than educate, and unfortunately it is only now that many are rediscovering this. It took a lot of pushing of the People to wake them up to the fact that their once-great nation is being systematically destroyed. And no it is not just Obama and the Democrat Party, although they are by far the worst when it comes to forcing Statism and calling it ''democracy''. No, This has been happening for a long time, it's effects culmulative until it has almost reached a breaking point. Maybe that's what they want. Unfortunately for the Regime's supporters it is at this point in time that things have gotten so bad that the People are literally on the verge of revolution. Like the kid who is bullied daily at school and finally summons the courage to smash the bully's nose in, so it may be with the American populace. And I have news for you: the kid is not the bad guy. The kid is not the ''extreme'' one. The bully is.
When our public servants abdicate their oath of office by attempting to dismantle, even openly disparaging the Constitution as some irrelevant "rag" of the past that can be changed or junked to suit their immediate small-minded ideological goals, those politicians are not acting as Americans or in America's best interests, but as America's enemies. And their self-delusional claims to the contrary are pathetic.
This time, politicians will get the voters they so richly deserve. Very, very angry voters. Being dismissive of this by assuming that they are ignorant masses who don't know what's best for them or that they don't like this president because of his skin color is what is truly ignorant, and only fuels the fire that is going to one day restore this nation to it's rightful owners--those who understand and have a healthy historical perspective on the dangers of Statism and how it destroys liberty, the individual, and free markets while aiding the monopolization, corporatism, and corruption it claims to be trying to ''regulate''. No amount of MoveOn.Org, Huffington Post, NY Times, MSNBC, or George Soros-funded think tank talking points are going to stop the real change that is going to occur.
Ridicule or dismiss the people in the street all you want, pretend it's all just a result of Limbaugh, Beck, Rupert Murdoch, FOX or any of the other phony Establishment Right hacks stirring up trouble. No, the sentiment is quite real, completely justified, and would exist even if the so-called "conservative" media didn't. Many of us are on to them as well and are exposing them for what they are. We won't forget the Neoconservatives' support for endless foreign occupations, the Constitution-killing Patriot act, and their own version of Statism.
Right now, our immediate problem is the current Administration and Congress, because it is what we can tangibly make accountable to us. The ''Bush did it too'' defense just doesn't cut it, nor does the ''it's better than the last 8 years'' defense. It is not better than the last 8 years, which were horrible. It is everything bad that came from that administration, and even worse. We need to take back our country, starting at the local level. In any case, our out-of-control government's current Goldman Sachs regime and their unwitting supporters need to understand: NO,YOU CAN'T.